I just reach 102 fans!! >w< Thanks to yall!! Thanks to @davicool for being the number 100!!! ^w^ I would like to thank every each of you guys "xp I will send shout outs for the most the most notable >w<
First thanks to my besties @chillzozen and @Robert-Yutu u two are so reaal! :3 also SrjuanchoXYZ for being so loyal all these years just like Robert :3
Thanks to Luis for commisionated me and gave a chance!! Ur MITHYCAL! I fell so honoured working for such a living legend like u ^v^ (I hope u consider me as a friend at least "XP)
Thanks to Vidyabatter for being the first one to ever give me a chance in this site! Ur epic dude!
Thanks to Creeperforce24 for making my OC ´s theme :3
Shout out also to Emily Rose cuz u draw my OC and looks so cute on ur style and ur art is pretty in general :3
AlexToolStudio for u amazings Nintendo consoles collabs, the Wii Collab was epic dude xp
SkilledFella just because ur an awesome dude xp
E-Channel because I apreciatte that we put our differences aside that day :p
Eromamgasemsei cuz ur so talented and Im glad we´re friends, I hope to learn from u >w<
And last but not less important Tyhond for being so awesome and supportive to everyone, u are the ligth for most of the Art Portal >w<
Also, Im cooking for the Behemoth Collab by BoiledMilkz. I have finish the storyboard for that and messing around with flash cs4, im gona try to finish it on time xp
Anyways, thanks to EVERYONE I could´nt get to this point without yall xp